Shooting Like-a-PRO

I've been fascinated 
with this 
stimulating hue 
The shade represents
 joy, clarity and hope
Its brightness illuminates
like the sun 
bursting with light.

Simplymarrimye's Yellow is the Color of MIND and Intellect / Golden Trumpet (Allamanda Cathartica) - image 1
Golden Trumpet (Allamanda Cathartica)

I found this yellow flower
in an orchard place
and captured its 
beauty and grace.
I focused my lens and took
this macro shot.
The trick was a bit hard
but these attempts 
are not that bad.

Simplymarrimye's Yellow is the Color of MIND and Intellect / Golden Trumpet (Allamanda Cathartica) - image 2

Simplymarrimye's Yellow is the Color of MIND and Intellect / Golden Trumpet (Allamanda Cathartica) - image 3

Simplymarrimye's Yellow is the Color of MIND and Intellect / Golden Trumpet (Allamanda Cathartica) - image 4

So, this is what I call...
my very first trial 
Shooting like a pro
is never that easy
It may not be perfect yet
but I know... 
 I can do it.
It's just a matter of practice
practice and a lot of

Simplymarrimye's Yellow is the Color of MIND and Intellect / Golden Trumpet (Allamanda Cathartica) - image 5


  1. Awesome photography!!!

    1. Thanks Ms Tara. I am so delighted to know that you find my captures awesome.

  2. Photography does take a lot of practice and the eye for it. It's also seeing how the colors and lighting blends.

    1. My vision is so poor that, I myself was quite surprise to see my captures showing some projection like these.

  3. That yellow flower looks good behind an ear. :) Where is that garden?

    1. At Relova's Orchard Place in Laguna during our clan's summer outing... Actually, my daughter did put one behind her ear with her braided hair.

  4. You just made a simple flower turn into a stunning work of art :) Great shots!

    1. Thank you Ms Joy. I'm still learning more tricks even though my eyes can hardly see my subjects.

  5. You shoot like a pro indeed! I love the bokeh effect on the background. What's the aperture setting of your lens Ms. Marri? =)

    1. Pardon me, Ms Kim. I have yet to know terms like aperture. My brother just taught me to press the shutter once the red light focus on my subject.

  6. Nature is a perfect subject for photography enthusiasts and flowers are my favorites also. They have a perfect beauty that is simply breathtaking.

  7. Do you use photoshop? :) -

  8. Like everything else, practice makes permanent. As long as you keep doing it you'll get better at it.

  9. These are very lovely shots! This actually made me remember my first few attempts at capturing flower in photos as well. :)

  10. Not bad for a newbie in photography. Good shot and I also love that flower. Marami sa house ko yan.

  11. I also love taking macro shots :) I love the color, angle and concept of the 3rd shot- sabi nga "may statement". Keep it up!

  12. What a lovely flower! Nice shots! I love capturing flowers in photos but they don’t always come out quite the way I want. :(

  13. Beautiful. Flowers is also one of my favorite subjects in Photography. They're naturally awesome.

  14. Nice photo shots! I love flowers and easily get captivated when I see one like this and for sure my camera will never miss to shoot this if I see one.

  15. I love macro photography and for a beginner that's great! Keep it up :)


Your thoughts, ideas, opinions and suggestions about my post are highly appreciated. My deepest and warmest greetings to you. GOD bless always!