"Unrequited Love"

Unrequited Love by Simplymarrimye

There are people who are lonely
living in an oblivious world
where reality is distant and life is obscure

They choose to wear a smile
but sadness reign inside
begging for something that is never mutual.

Loving a person with nothing in return
is an obvious act of despair
but for them... it's every breath they take.

Starting Over Again

Starting Over Again by Simplymarrimye

When we fall, we feel pain.
When we fail, we feel hopeless
Love may end in many reasons...
and starting over may take a while.

If we tried hard but still we lose
If we cried out all but still we suffer
Love may deserve a second chance 
if fate allows, it will happen.

Forget the past that causes pain
Savor the present that makes memories
Look beyond tomorrow...
Old love may never rekindle but a new one may begin to flame.

Love in Action

Simplymarrimye - Love in action

It's not enough to say you love a person
Words will not prove it until actions are done.

It's not enough to thank a person
Gratitude comes from an unpretentious soul.

It's not enough to give praises
Doing right is different from doing good.

It's not enough to have pure love
without a pair of hearts that beat as one.